Welcome from Hopewell's Session

The Lord be with you! This may seem like a strange way to greet someone, but in the way of life of early Christians it would have been common to extend a greeting to another that reflected the care, the love and the peace of Jesus Christ. So it is, we extend to you the blessing of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

As you make your way around our newly redesigned website, hopefully drawn to come to worship, we thought it might be helpful for you to know what to expect. You’ll see listed on this worship site information regarding times, attire, childcare, etc. If you haven’t figured it out already, Hopewell is a historic church with a rich heritage in the history of the area and our country. We continue the practice of liturgical worship with songs, prayers, Scripture reading, confession, moments of silence, baptisms, communion, and congregational responses. Our worship is formed from the Bible, the Reformed heritage, but is continually shaped and renewed by the Holy Spirit.

So when you come, come prepared to sing to the Lord, not worrying about how it sounds to those around you. Make your joyful noise to the Lord! (Psalm 66)

Come prepared to be welcomed by sinners who know the power of forgiveness. (John 3:16-17)

Come with listening ears prepared for God to speak to you through the sermon, the choir’s anthem, or children’s message. (1 Peter 1:24-25)

Come prepared to offer your gifts. An offering is taken, but the real offering is the giving of ourselves to God. (Romans 12:1)

Come prepared to ask God to help you in your distress. (Psalm 121)

Come prepared to be sent out into the world to live the Word you have received. (Micah 6:8)

Please, make your way up the sacred hill, pass the old graves, park under one of the ancient oaks, and cross the threshold of the 1833 sanctuary. Don’t be shocked and surprised that you find the living, the light, the life and the love of a community of Christians still seeking the way, the truth, and the life of the One who came for us all. (John 14)

There is a place prepared for you.

In Christ’s peace,

The Hopewell Presbyterian Church Session